Legends Never Die

Vintage car rental

1960 flxible starliner

Coming soon

The historical and unique bus is the perfect atrezzo and can be rented for styled shoots, family photos, engagement photos, and more.

Ray Charles commissioned this bus from The Flxible Company to his own specification to be used on tours. It included a factory installed air conditioning system. Ray Charles eventually sold the bus to Johnny Otis, another music legend. 

The classic automobile repair and restoration company Winning Makes has recently undertaken a restoration of the 1960 Flxible Starliner bus which was found in Las Vegas, Nevada. It looks like "Flxible" has been misspelled, but the omission of the first "e" is how the Flxible Company was able to trademark their name in 1919. 

Serial number information taken from manufacturer records showing the original owner and specification. Published by "Flxible Owners International" link here